At PJ Health and Safety Consultancy Ltd we provide a bespoke consultancy services to our client by identifying your needs, providing an efficient and an effective method to satisfy that need.
What do we offer you?
It is a legal requirement under Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 (revised in 1999), for employers to make appropriate and satisfactory assessments of the health and safety risks to employees and non-employees, that would arise from their job roles. Assessing Risk is now a major requirement of all health and safety legislation, the prominence is preventing accidents and work-related ill health instead of reacting to incident, and making improvements after each one.
What are we trying to prevent?
Near misses
Work-related ill health
Accidents causing injury or death
Damage to equipment and the environment
Stress related ill health / mental health problems
How do we prevent this? With our bespoke services
Health and Safety Policy Writing:
Health and Safety consultancy services (PJH&S Q001/12)
It is a legal requirement under Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 (revised in 1999), for employers to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the health and safety risks to employees and non-employees, arising from their work activities. Risk assessment is now a common requirement of all health and safety legislation, the emphasis is now on preventing accidents and work-related ill health, rather than just reacting to incidents, and making improvements after the event.
So, what are we trying to prevent?
Accidents causing injury or death
Near misses (because they could well cause injury if they happen again)
Work-related ill health
Repetitive / accumulated strain injuries
Damage to equipment and the environment
Stress related ill health / mental health problems
Policy development (PJH&S002/12)
Some Health and Safety Services considerations:
Does your company need a new strategy that underpins all Health and Safety decisions?
Do your workers understand and implement the strategy of health and safety as a given?
Is your business health and safety performance something to boast about?
Is your company’s activity helpful to the environment?
Note: If you cannot honestly and confidently answer “Yes” to the above questions then you would have to act now … we a ring away.
Training Plan Development (PJH&S003/12)
Training plans for all employees to be attending training session on the first day of employment. And a regular review of training to ensure that personnel are competent to carry out their duties is very essential.
Risk Assessment
Noise Assessment and Surveys (PJH&S Q004/12)
It is necessary to assess environmental noise occasionally at site boundaries to ensure that local limits are not breached. Major protection equipments like hearing protection should be provided.
Audits Inspection
Contractor Management Auditing (PJH&S Q005/12)
This is an essential management tool that is recommended for the safety of employees, environment and social impact in and within the construction site. PJH&S Consultancy is here to see you through design to completion stage.
Management Audit (PJH&S006/12)
Formal auditing is a valuable management tool that is recommend by the UK Health and Safety Executive. Management will have to continually assess and review the effectiveness of the health, safety and environmental policy by regularly auditing/monitoring of all working places to
Evaluate how effectively the Policy is being put into practice and what improvements, if any, can be made.
Document Reviews (PJH&S007/12)
Health and Safety document enables you to prepare the compliance of your business with all relevant health and safety legislation. It is recommended that you review this policy every 18 months or sooner if there are substantial changes to your staffing premises.
Inspections (PJH&S008/12)
In section are a way of checking the working environment and procedures of Health and safety standards. It is a legal requirement for all companies in the UK to arrange for a “qualified person” to assess all health and safety risks in their workplace at an appropriate frequency.
Contract enforcement work for LUL (London Underground Limited) projects (PJH&S009/12) A process of monitoring implementation in London Underground Ltd.
Accident Investigations
Safety Computation (PJH&S0010/12)
The workplace safety performance is always computed using frequency rate and severity which we are aware it is difficult to achieve, and we are ready to take to help you.
Enforcement Notice and Compliance Advice (PJH&S0011/12)
Enforce notice sets out the general principles and approach which the health and safety executives and enforcing authorities are expected to follow in protection of the company. Failure to this would end up in the probation notice. Our competent health and safety executives can help you out of this mess.
Accident Investigation Support. (PJH&S0013/12)
In situations like this effective accident investigation would help identify and address the root cause of the accident/ incident.